Solar Power Incentives

Solar PV

What is Solar PV?

Solar PV (Solar Photovoltaics) is the process of producing electricity from solar power (energy from the sun). 

You will receive reduced energy costs and security against future price increases if you decide to have solar PV panels installed on your home.

Solar Panels Explained

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels are showing up more often on the rooftops of homes around the UK.

Depending on whether you have a battery storage unit connected to your solar PV panel system, you may either consume this power right away or store it for later use.

Does it have to be sunny for Solar Panels to work?

Modern solar panels may generate power without direct sunlight, however, they do so to a greater extent on bright, sunny days.

Many people believe that solar panels need direct sunshine to function, however they actually may operate well even on gloomy days. The panels must be placed such that they receive as much natural light as possible.

Contact Us

Cavell House, St Crispins Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR3 1YE

Phone: 01603 339067


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